by Cameron Clifton

5 Copyright Myths

There are a lot of myths about copyright, and they are the sort of myths that can hurt you if you believe them. If you are blogging, making websites, preparing written reports relying on material from the internet (like everyone does) you may easily breach copyright without knowing it. See below to find out if you understand copyright.

Legal, Copyright, Websites

Read more: 5 Copyright Myths

  • Hits: 3972

Five Intellectual Property Mistakes You Need to Avoid

You’d be surprised as to how many small companies use no form of protection when it comes to their Intellectual Property, or IP. Even some larger businesses aren’t much better.

Below are 5 common intellectual property mistakes and how to avoid them – have a read - it will prevent trips to your lawyer’s office and save you a lot of money!

Legal, Intellectual Property, Branding

Read more: Five Intellectual Property Mistakes You Need to Avoid

  • Hits: 3722

Business Insurance: What You Need Covered

Some types of insurance are mandatory for Australian businesses in certain situations. Many small businesses’ only insurance obligation is to provide workers’ compensation cover for their employees. Insuring yourself and your employees in the event of a workplace accident or illness is essential for protecting your business against costly compensation claims.

Legal, Businesses, Insurance, Liability

Read more: Business Insurance: What You Need Covered

  • Hits: 3655